Gokul Kathirvel

Senior Software Engineer at Coinbase

gokatz.eth. A fellow human 🤗 love building things over web 💕 Doing React Coinbase. Passionate about Web performance and Ember. Prev: Zoho
Chrome Extension Development 101 Oct 2021

My Intro to Chrome Extension Development - A Series

This is the first part of a series which aims to explain the development process of browser extensions and the related ecosystem.
Diary Jul 2021

I'm back on track and you should too!

Disclaimer: Not a tech blog! TL;DR - Gonna resume my blogging habit! 🔥
Fun With Arrays Jun 2019

Fun With forEach

Have fun with forEach by guessing few snippets that we might not encounter in real-time applications. Share your fun forEach snippets and let's all have fun! 👯‍♂️👯‍♂️
Automation May 2019

EmberJS in 2019

My list of features and improvements that I love to see in Ember core framework in 2019
Speaking May 2019

First Time Speaker (FTS) with few tips

Experience from my first ever public speaking journey. Penned down a few suggestions I got as well as I learned from the experience for fellow First Time Speakers (FTS) 😉
Toolkit May 2019

Setup Tailwind@next in Vue CLI 3 project

Learn how to setup tailwind css in a Vue CLI 3 project.
Automation Apr 2019

Automate the UI Testing of your chrome extension

UI testing the chrome extension (or any extension for that matter) is tricky as it has its own workflow and environment to run. This post will walk you through the process of automating those test using Puppeteer, an API library to control Chrome.
Testing Jan 2019

Testing 'install' and 'update' flows in chrome extensions

Testing the extension update and initial install flow could be tricky. This post will walk you through few steps to test all such flows during development stage itself.
Performance Aug 2018

NIL pattern (#perfmatters)

Setting up a auto-updater would be something significant in many case and this post is all about setting up a auto updater successfully!
Automation May 2018

Automate your chrome extension deployment in minutes!

Building a chrome extension is fun! But deployment is a bit tedious as it requires few manual processes. In this post, I’ll Show you how to automate the build, upload and publish process of your chrome extension in a matter of few minutes.
Performance Sep 2017

How we cut down our ember build time?

Tricks we incorporate to reduce our build time to almost half
Testing Sep 2017

Why the hell I need a test-case?

The path from 'why the hell I need a test-case?' to 'you test-case, I love you ❤'
Automation May 2017

Electron AutoUpdater - 101

Setting up a auto-updater would be something significant in many case and this post is all about setting up a auto updater successfully!